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gain on是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gain on

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网络释义:逼近;超过;赶上第三人称单数:gains on  现在分词:gaining on  过去式:gained on  同义词

v.catch up on,close the gap,approach,close in on,near



na.1.to gradually get closer to someone or something that you are trying to catch

1.逼近 in the future 将来 gain on 跑得比…快;逼近 generation gap 代沟 ...

2.超过 free market 自由竞争的市场 gain on 逼近,超过,侵蚀 general management 综合管理 ...

3.赶上 gain ground 有进展;逼近 gain on 赶上 gain/gather momentum 加快发展 ...

4.侵蚀 free market 自由竞争的市场 gain on 逼近,超过,侵蚀 general management 综合管理 ...

5.跑得比…快 in the future 将来 gain on 跑得比…快;逼近 generation gap 代沟 ...

6.接近 gain of antenna 天线增益 gain on 接近 gain reduction indicator 增益衰减指示器 ...

7.跑得比…快,逼近,超过 ... gain on 跑得比…快,逼近,超过;赢得…的好感 deviate from 偏离…,背离…; …


1.The leading group of three continued to gain on the rest of the runners and were soon half a mile clear of them.领先的3个人继续拉大同其他选手的距离,不久就把他们抛在半英里之后了。

2.European companies are also grappling with the iron law of currency movements: that what you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts.欧洲企业还要应对货币走势的铁律:有所得也可能有所失。

3.Fatigue began to gain on him; and as his strength decreased, it made the weight of his burden increase.他感到疲惫,慢慢减弱的体力使负担变重了。

4.Still it appears as if the foundation made a gain on the sale.尽管如此,似乎该基金会还是从大楼的转售交易中赚了一笔。

5.Warren Buffett, who bought $5bn of the company's shares in January, has already made a $1bn gain on his investment.巴菲特在今年1月份买进了价值50亿美元的高盛公司股票,目前已获得了10亿美元的投资收益。

6.The second type of scalping is done by purchasing a large number of shares that are sold for a gain on a very small price movement.第二种是通过购买大量股票而非常小的价格变动时将其出售获利。

7.But your eyes and your heart are set only on dishonest gain, on shedding innocent blood and on oppression and extortion. " (Jeremiastrong2: 17)"“但你的眼你的心什么都不顾,只顾你的不义之财,只知流无辜人的血,施行欺压和迫害的事。”(耶利米书22:17)

8.The gain on any sale would flow straight through to the bank's capital ratios.任何出售所得都将直接提升该银行的资本比率。

9.The index ended with a 2. 1% gain on Thursday, boosted by better-than-expected euro-zone economic data and corporate updates.由于欧元区经济数据和企业财报好于预期,周四斯托克欧洲600指数上涨2。

10.Earnings were helped by a SFr651m gain on the value of the bank's own debt.瑞银自身的债务价值上升,帮助提升业绩6.51亿瑞士法郎。
